
Introducing the thinkshift newsletter! Here we will keep you informed about the discoveries we make as we apply design thinking to solve complex challenges.

Newsletter #1 : This is a time of big disruption. No doubt. The systems that have defined our way of life: economic, political, health care, and education, are in a state of tremendous flux. In this time of questioning and redefining what works, it is critical that we ask how our systems can better include and serve us all. For us, as both designers and educators, we felt compelled to focus our attention on a system we know very well - higher education, and are utilizing the design thinking process to understand the inequities faced by black and brown students, faculty, and staff in architecture and interior design education. We seek to understand, ideate, pilot test and share concepts and strategies that create a more inclusive learning environment. So where does an undertaking like this start? By asking critical questions. Read More